Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Canadian Civil War??

I have been talking with some friends lately about Gomery, federalism, et al, and a theme popped up which I hadn't considered, civil war. At first I chuckled. I mean, what would we fight with? We live in a virtual police state where guns are outlawed, knives are dull, kids can't ride an electric scooter, and we have confiscated all working baby walkers. We live in Safety Land, what in tarnation would we club each other with? But the more we threw this potato around, the more plausible it sounded.

With federalism all but dead in Quebec, (and in my small part of Ontario,) the chance of a strong Bloc win is pretty much a given, and with it comes a strong mandate, be it real or imagined, and if I were Gilles Duceppe, or any politician, I would strike while the iron is hot. The iron is not only hot in Quebec my friend, it is red hot. So, what to do?

Let's say that the Liberal party is vertually wiped out in Quebec, which again, is pretty much a certainty. Who will speak for the people? The Bloc Quebecois, and I can assure you, if they win with a huge majority, they will hold a referendum. It is inevitable. The latest polls show that the separatist movement is at 7 year high. Some polls put the separatist vote 6 points above a simple majority.

While Ottawa, and chiefly the Liberal party, has said that a simple majority would not be enough, most Canadians I think would side with Mr. Duceppe in saying that it is enough. Let's be fair, if a simple majority was all that was needed to join this tea party, then it should be enough to leave it. I don't think Mr. Martin and friends have the moral clout to go around saying that they won't have it. Not now. Not for a long time. Of course, Mr. Martin will not be in power in all likelihood. But that won't matter either, because Quebecers have had enough.

So, after a 'yes' vote, what then? Would Canada try to renegotiate confederation? A new constitution? Maybe we will go the way of the European Union, joined but apart. Who knows. But what if Quebec wants more than the rest of Canada can afford? Will we respect their right to self determination, or to try to get the best possible deal for themselves at our expense? I doubt it. Ottawa has never respected Canadians, not in my lifetime anyway, and I don't see it starting now. What about transportation through Quebec for the Maritimes, or shipping up the St. Lawrence, rail freight across their borders? What will be the tariff rate? I can not believe that there are enough good men in either Ottawa or Quebec to resolve these pressing issues in a timely or responsible manner. We haven't even broached the topic of pride. So what then?

Perhaps Ottawa would decide that Quebec belongs to us, that it is time that we asserted our right to that land, and that it will be taken back, by force if need be. Let's not forget a politicians desire to 'make his mark', or to leave a legacy. If it comes to that, let us hope that it is a Conservative prime minister, as the 'legacies' left by the likes of Trudeau and Mackenzie and other liberals have haunted us for long enough.

Having thought about it, we could very well be in the last days. For Canada, anyhow. Maybe I should buy a newspaper or something, maybe an atlas, so I can show my grandkids what it used to be like. I am still curious where either side will get it's weapons, and who'll get to use the girl guides? Hmm.

Having though about it, indeed. You know what, Quebecer's are the only smart ones left in this country. At least they know when they are getting screwed.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Communisto NDP Party

Well, well, well. Here we go again. It has been quite the exciting week since I last ranted on. The Prime Minister came on t.v. to grovel, the Conservatives bashed him, the Bloc bashed him, and the NDP, well, the NDP headed by Jackass Layton went spewing on about how we are all melting, and our little dog, too.

So, Jack wants to buddy up with the Evil Empire headed by Paul Martin. What a fitting duo. The man who would rob us all to pay the lazy and the man who would let the Ayatollah's family move in. Awesome. What a country. Here is the deal in a nutshell:

Jackass says to Paul, "Hey, Paul! I here that Gilles and Stephen are gonna pull the carpet out from under you. Since I don't have a chance in hell of getting elected yet, maybe we could make a deal. All you need to do is tax Canadians more, not less, and let me use the cash to pay the lazy, the parents who don't want to raise their own kids, and then I'll send a bunch to other countries."
Well, Paul doesn't want to make it look like he is at the mercy of Jackass and his buddies down at the opseucawteamstersaclu dictator school, er um, union hall, so he says, "Uh-uh."
Now Paul knows that he doesn't have a choice, but he wants to look tough. Ya, that'll work, Paul. So all Paul has to do now is bend his principles and rewrite a couple of billion dollars in tax relief to the ones who employ those who are not lazy. What a conundrum!
I don't mean the bending principles part. That part is easy for a liberal. No, no, it's telling the people that support the liberal party that they are going to get screwed over so he can sleep with the socialists. I would love to be a fly on that wall. Oh well, the liberals are good at deferring things anyway. Let's see, they deferred Gomery until after the last election, they want to defer the next election until after Gomery this time, they have deferred our tax relief until the end of their budget. Nope, deferral is easy for a lib.

So, what does Jackass really want?

1) $5 Billion in corporate tax cuts axed : Is that all? Hmm, remember Bob Rae? Remember how fast industry left Ontario? We had to repave all of the lanes leading away from Queen's Park.

2) An increase in social daycare. We do NOT need this in our country Jackass. We have something here called a family unit. You know, remember your grandparents? Someone worked while someone raised the children. It is one strange concept, but it works! Honestly! Billions of people all over the world use it. Social daycare just makes us a little bit more dependant on government, who eventually wants to tell us when, how, and with what to wipe our ass, and for the most part, Canadians will probably like the reduction in personal responsibility.

3) Jackass wants to increase foreign aid. WHY? We are constantly told we need more money for health, education, military, etc. I tell you what Jackass, when Canadians as a whole conclude that no more money is needed anywhere, THEN we will help someone else. You can't be everything to everyone.

4) Education. Huh? Did I miss something? What the hell do we need more money for education for? Don't our 'professors' make enough money yet? IS there no end to the greed in this country? Has post secondary education become a right? Another one? More dependancy on government. People, if you want to go to university, pay for it yourself.
There is nothing wrong with the way things are now, Jackass. When people no longer go to university in this country because of spiraling costs, then costs will have to receed. Is that not the basis of our free market economy? The more government intercedes and supports a system that can't be supported, such as education and our current health care system, the more it causes it damage. It also allows the prices to rise above what they are worth. Government should GET OUT of bailing out people who want to go to post secondary institutions. I never went, and still ended up smart enough to know that I am pissing a lot of people off right now. Where do I get the nerve to think?!!

You are in fine company Mr. Martin. You should merge with the NDP and become one party. You could call it the "Even More Liberal Party of Canada"

Monday, April 18, 2005

Thought Of The Month - April 2005

B I B L E - B.asic

You should read it, you'll be gone for a very, very long time.

God Bless.

Liberalism is the way to ruin.

Time to rant again. It has been 6 days since I have blogged, so here goes.

When will the liberal establishment and media realize that their policies are ruining or have ruined the great country that Canada once was. Let's look at a few of them.

Universal Daycare: Our powerful unions and lobby groups are pulling out all the stops to ensure that our country adopts a universal daycare system. Study after study has been done, and for the most part the results aren't surprising. Children fare best of all in a home with a mother and father, not in a socialized setting. Sure, children have to socialize, but what is the rush people! Children also need to be nurtured, loved, and directed. They need to learn right from wrong, principals, honour, honesty, integrity, compassion, kindness. These qualities begin at home. Once upon a time, children spent most of the day with their families, mostly their parents or an older guardian. Now they are awoken at the crack of dawn or before, fed (sometimes), dressed, and then rushed to the sitter or daycare, then to school, then back to daycare. Finally, an exhausted mommy or daddy picks them up, takes them home for dinner, and finally bed. Nice life. Nice structure. No, we DO NOT need universal daycare, we need parents who care enough to find a way to raise the children that they are having. It is not MY job to raise YOUR children, so stop asking me to give you part of my paycheque to subsidize YOUR workday, the work day that YOU chose, so that YOU could have all of the toys, and let's not forget your 'independence'.

It is not so much your independence that upsets me, it is your unwillingness to sacrifice it for your children, like parents used to do.

Abortion: Ah yes, the liberal whammy. A woman's right to choose. Not to choose to keep her legs crossed, mind you, nope, the right to terminate the life of an unborn child, whom was conceived because of her lack of self control. Has anyone done a financial impact study as to the damage caused by this policy on our economy. I mean let's face it, we have aborted more than 1.7 million unborn children. Not to mention the moral bankruptcy of this act, I wonder how the Canada Pension Plan would be doing had we not aborted so many future contributors. I figure since no one gives a damn anymore about the children, I would put a financial spin on it, and maybe then it would be 'acceptable' to give a damn. No wonder the ratio of elder to young is widening so fast.

Immigration: This has been a huge success, has it not? Congratulations. You are probably now a minority citizen in your own country. Way to go, Canada. As our politicians keep opening the immigration flood gate, the country continues to spiral downward. We probably have the biggest collection of foreign criminals on the planet, and now they can all bring the rest of their families to join them. (Help them?) Hey, I hope they bring their grandparents, as we have free health care for them. The fact that these people have NEVER contributed to our social programs shouldn't matter. We just want to be nice. I wonder how this will help our overburdened health care system.

Welfare: Ah yes, the liberal crown jewel. No one should go hungry. In other parts of the world, this is known as socialism. Take from the wealthy, and distribute equally among all. It is so fair. It differs a little in Canada though. Here, we take from the working and give to the lazy. While I know that there are those in need, I don't think we are truly helping them. We should help the working families who contribute to this once great country of ours. Maybe with some tax relief, one parent could stay home. Instead, we drain the hard working individuals who keep our economy going, and call for bigger cuts on those who employ our people, and we hand out to those who are too lazy to help themselves. I think we should let them go hungry, as this is a great motivator. **When I was growing up, my father decided to leave, and my mother was a single parent on welfare. She never really looked for work, nor was she skilled to do much. As a result, I was poorly fed, troubled, and perhaps malnourished. This was NOT the government's shortcoming. The government is, after all, just another word for the people. And it is not their responsibility to feed and clothe me. If my parents don't motivate themselves to care for me, then why should you? The point is that we have, it is said, one million children in this country living in poverty. So what? What is your point? It will never change. Not as long as our government, the people, keep handing out things that are not earned. For as long as there are parents who don't want to get off their collective asses to work, or perhaps even stop procreating those who they cannot afford to support, then we will have child poverty, and poverty in general. For the most part in this country, poverty is a choice. I choose to let those who will not work to go hungry. They'll come around.

I also love the ones who tell me I am lucky to have a job. Luck had nothing to do with it. I went and found it.

My 10 bucks worth.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

You got your rights from where?

I have wanted to write this blog for a long time. It is in regards to your 'rights.' You know, those laws that you assume you are entitled to. For too long, governments have brainwashed their citizens with 'rights.' Then, in an attempt to hold to power, they threaten the erosion or disappearance of these rights if you vote for the 'other' party.

Let's take a look at some of these rights, and if you claim to believe in the God of the Bible, as I do, read really close.

Firstly, The Right To Life.
Last time I checked, this was not a right. It is actually a gift from God, who can end it when, how, and why ever He pleases to. It's a gift, so use it for His glory. I wonder if Christ ever argued that He had a right to life?

The Right To Eat Nope, not a right either. In fact, scripture is clear that the man who doesn't provide for his family is worse than an infidel. Also, if you don't work, you go hungry. Pretty simple. It is NOT the peoples responsibility to provide for those who don't wish to help themselves. The infirm, surely, but come on. Hunger is a great motivator.

The Right To Reproduce Wow, how does scripture fail to mention all of these rights? They must not exist! Reproduction is a natural function given to us by our Creator. Also, children are a blessing, or a curse, like everything else. Raise them according to the Lord, and they will indeed be a blessing. Think they can't be a curse? Look around you the next time you are in a public place. Children are a gift, not a right.

The Right To Discipline Your Children Not even close. No one has the right to spank their children. But, you DO have the responsibility to spank them. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Forget this liberal mind-think rubbish about "time out." It may help, but it is NOT a substitute. Also, when done correctly, corporal punishment is the only way to truly convince your child that you care for them. Care enough to give them parameters. And no, I don't condone beating children. Never hit out of anger, but place 'limits' or 'boundaries', and as soon as these are challenged, discipline. Stop thinking you are so much more enlightened than your parents.

The Right To Abortion Man, don't even get me started on this one. Try this next time, keep you legs CLOSED. Amazing that this old time 'fixer up er' still works. You see, if you keep your legs closed.... never mind. People, sex is for marriage, and if you engage in it, a child may be the result. So if you don't want to have children, or you 'choose' not to, then follow the aforementioned advice. Just because you can't exercise a little self control, does not give you the 'right' to murder an unborn child. That's right, Mary was with child, not fetus, embryo, or what ever else you want to name it.

The Right To Live How You See Fit This isn't a right, it is a choice. Please be prepared to face the consequences. You see, no matter how much the liberal educational system tells you that it is not your fault, but your parents, or societies, or environmental reasons, whatever, YOU will still be accountable to God for your actions. God does not give you the right to live how you want, but He does give you the choice.

The Right To Your Sexuality Leviticus 18:1 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. " Also a choice, not a right. Also with consequences.

The Right To Free Speech This is a right which I love, given to me by my fellow countrymen, the men who founded my country. Like most man given rights, however, it can and will change. Unless defended staunchly, it will continually erode, as the torrent of liberal mind think will wash it away like a flood does to a hillside. Unfortunately, I live in a country where this right only is enforced or granted when you say what the masses want to hear. I live in Canada.

The Right To Religious Freedom Good Lord, you can have it, but again, not a right from God. In fact, God loves the church, not religion. The reason for so many wars is religion, not God. God has set down His Word, and His Law, and given us His Son. Read His word, let him open your heart. Follow not men, but the Word of God. Religion is not a right. Following the word of God is a commandment.

Let the SCARE begin.

Well, well, well. What have we here? A Liberal government on its way out. What a shame. (smirk)

I wonder when the scare tactics and fear mongering in the media will begin. It is amazing how Canadians love to see their governments torn down. The incredibly amazing thing is, that they treat it like a 30 minute sitcom. They watch for entertainment, remember very few details by the next day, and think that it has nothing to do with them.

It has amazed me this week that the media has given Stephen Harper a pass, as the liberals start to lose points by the minute. They are reporting the liberal's bad news only because of the alternative media that we now have, namely personaly websites, conservative talkers, and blogs such as this one. To be sure, if it wasn't for this, the Gomery comission would have been ignored, swept under John Chretien's oriental rug, or whitewashed with liberal media bleach.
But because Canadians have demanded the truth, and have actively sought it out, the media can no longer pretend that Paul Martin is our Prince of Truth and Justice.

So, when will the killing fields be fertilized? You know, the ones where discontent and fear are planted and Canadians are told every day how an evil Conservative majority government will force them to be righteous, stripping away their freedoms by the hour. Have I missed it, or is it yet to materialize?

My God, vote for Stephen Harper and you will have to wear a veil! Women will lose their right to vote. They might even lose the right to kill their unborn children! How barbaric!

There, there, poor Canadian liberal. It's ok. You will no doubt survive 4 years of government by conservative folk. In fact, you will probably do better, not that you would admit to it. But it will be awful. Government will probably stop growing exponentially, you will keep more of the money YOU make, and the world will NOT end.

Wouldn't it be awful if you had to make some of your own decisions? My heart goes out to you.

So Ipsos-Reid, Ted Rogers, et al, when will it start? Hmm?

Canadians are SO Stupid!

I must say, that as a Canadian with a few IQ points, I am sorely disappointed in my fellow patriots. For the life of me, I don't understand why they don't get politics, or cause and effect for that matter. The most recent poll says that 52% of Canadians feel that the Liberal party has not lost it's moral right to govern. What? What part of 'moral right' do Canadians not understand? Better yet, show me the polling question they were asked. Here we have the party leadership dealing in corruption, fraud, deceit, lies. Not to mention personal gain and wealth, all at the cost of Canadian taxpayers' expense. Never before has a government so openly defrauded the people in this country, nor has one so flagrantly tried to influence the outcome of elections! I am sure that Canadians won't 'get it' until they are forced to vote Liberal. We are the closest thing to a dictatorship in the free? world. But not to worry, Canadians don't know what that means either.

I am surrounded by stupid, mindless Liberal sheep, dependant on their government for their every thought, and who believe the media is unbiased. I am encompassed by people who want their rights, but don't understand that these things come with responsibilites, the kind that say you must be vigilant to keep your freedom. I am surrounded by millions of people who are so dumb, they will still vote Liberal in the next election. I AM CANADIAN.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Gomery Inquiry

Wow. What a week. We have heard that the Liberals, all the way to the top, are corrupt. What a surprise. The only thing that still amazes me is that some Canadians, (a lot of them,) are still stupid enough to vote for this pack of criminals. To watch our prime minister stand up in the house of commons and still assert that he is innocent is just too much to put into words. Why do these scum put the words 'honorable' before their names? Do they even comprehend the concept? I wonder how many ordinary Canadians lost everything because of high tax rates in the last 10 years, while these Quebec lieutenants got wealthy and urinated on the rest of Canada. The media is in collusion as well, the whole time painting all opposition to the Liberals as evil. There was Jack Layton, who I agree is an idiot. Then there is Stephen Harper, who the leftist media has painted as a homophobic bigot, and there is Gilles Duceppe, who is portrayed as a lunatic. The sad part is that Canadians once again could not conceive an original thought, and just followed the media's direction.

So, "now we are going to get to the bottom of it! But, ahem, we won't tell you what it is. Not until we are re-elected." Typical Liberal bs.

For those of you who have not found the website containing the latest in the unfolding saga, simply do a websearch for "Captain Ed". I am sure you will find it. The news however is no different than one would expect. More of the same.

Let's not forget our wonderful PM. Not this time. Not at the next election. For God's sake people, WAKE UP. Voting for someone else will NOT cause the country to disappear! Vote for what is right for a change.

We are not all equal.

I don't know about you, but I am so tired of everybody trying to be everybody else. I am sure that I am not alone. What is with this desire to be so universal? Where has the glory and pride of individuality gone?

One of my biggest peeves is the notion that men and women are equal. Even a child would be able to look at you and tell the difference right off. It starts with the voice. A man's voice is strong, stern, or at least should be, unless his gender changing therapy is advanced. A woman's is soft, kind, and it should be. She was made by our creator to be a nurturer.

A man is strong, stronger than most woman. This is a physical trait that I am sure some are trying to change through bio-genetics. Oh well, why not. We have screwed up everything else, it should work!

Women for the most part think with their hearts. They are emotional beings firstly. Men think with their heads. (Never mind, ladies.) Really. Men are thinkers. Not always clearly, but we aren't always concerned that getting 'this or that' will hurt, we just go about 'getting' it, whatever it is.

Personally, I think I missed out growing up without a father. My mother did her best, but she was no father. Simple as that. She was a mother. She could noever replace a father. A boy needs a man to be a role model, to teach him how to be a man, how to treat women, respect your elders and those around you (especially women). A boy needs to be hugged and held by a loving dad so that he doesn't fear intimacy. But he also needs to rough house with Pa, and not always be coddled by Ma. Mom can't do the male bonding thing real well.

Little girls need their Mommies. They need to learn about the facts of life, menstruation, dating, love, marriage, politeness, properness. (Oh, so outdated am I. Gratefully.) They need to learn how to mend a broken heart, how to be courted. They just ought not be splitting wood with their Daddy's axe.

So men, raise your son's to be honorable, and your daughter's to be chaste. They will both thank you one day. And people, for the love of God, don't try to get your son's wearing dresses. It doesn't fit their design, and you will only confuse them more than the world already is. If you haven't noticed, the world is so busy making everyone equal, that the whole place has become unbalanced.

Ship 'em out!

I have to make my first political blog about a very unsavoury chap who goes by the name of Ernst Zundel. Now, before I get started, please be assured that I am NOT a neo-nazi, nor am I anti-semitic. In fact, my saviour was Jewish. I find both of those qualities to be held by those who are repugnant and ill informed.

About a month ago, Ernst Zundel gave up his fight to not be extradited to his native Germany to face charges in regards to denying the holocaust. While that seems on the surface a good thing, I mean why should we pay for his upkeep, we must ask a more important question. Was Ernst Zundel breaking any Canadian laws for his beliefs. Ottawa stated that Ernst Zundel was a security risk, and was thus deported. Have Canadians become so stupid that someone spewing forth their intolerance becomes a security risk? What has become of us?

I do NOT condone the speech of Ernst Zundel, but as a Canadian, I wonder why he is not allowed to teach what he believes. True, it does go against the grain of obvious evidence, but then again, so does evolution. I don't believe it causes harm to Jewish groups either. There will always be anti-Semites as long as there are Jews. But should we outlaw thoughts that are contrary to standard decency? Is that not what happened in the Salem witch hunts with witchcraft? Our best defence against such ludicrous diatribes is to simply educate our children. We have enough government control, we do NOT need the thought police. Canadians must wake up and see the erosion of their fundamental freedoms.

My First BLOG! Watch out! The gov't is watching You!

Hello there. While this is my first BLOG, I hope that it will in no ways be my last. I am a passionate Canadian, one who is aware of a good deal of our history and our roots. While I am not a historian, nor claim to be one, I feel that I know so much at 37 probably by default. That is, by standing next to a younger Canadian, say under 30, I feel like a professor. Our youth seem to know so little about how our country was formed, what the government's role was designed to be, what is wrong with our parliament, why we so valiantly and bravely fought two world wars perhaps better than all others, why we have always been so close to our American neighbours, and why we have always, (not any longer I am afraid) been a world class country. I would like to help slow the tide of government, government, government. Our citizens have become dependant on the government for everything, and in this very dependancy is where our freedom truly erodes.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I listen to the news most days on a radio, as I can't stomach the scripted broadcasts of television newscasts. What I hear angers me, what is NOT said infuriates me, and I am particularly partial to 'planned result' polling, that is to say the polls which are written to provide a specific response.

I hope that this forum provides a place for yet one more Canadian to speak out. I hope that this forum will be the start of the next revolution to sweep Canada. Perhaps one day, I will again be proud to live here.