Wednesday, April 06, 2005

My First BLOG! Watch out! The gov't is watching You!

Hello there. While this is my first BLOG, I hope that it will in no ways be my last. I am a passionate Canadian, one who is aware of a good deal of our history and our roots. While I am not a historian, nor claim to be one, I feel that I know so much at 37 probably by default. That is, by standing next to a younger Canadian, say under 30, I feel like a professor. Our youth seem to know so little about how our country was formed, what the government's role was designed to be, what is wrong with our parliament, why we so valiantly and bravely fought two world wars perhaps better than all others, why we have always been so close to our American neighbours, and why we have always, (not any longer I am afraid) been a world class country. I would like to help slow the tide of government, government, government. Our citizens have become dependant on the government for everything, and in this very dependancy is where our freedom truly erodes.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I listen to the news most days on a radio, as I can't stomach the scripted broadcasts of television newscasts. What I hear angers me, what is NOT said infuriates me, and I am particularly partial to 'planned result' polling, that is to say the polls which are written to provide a specific response.

I hope that this forum provides a place for yet one more Canadian to speak out. I hope that this forum will be the start of the next revolution to sweep Canada. Perhaps one day, I will again be proud to live here.


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