The country is teetering left!
What has happened to our wisdom in this country? The more I hear the news and the latest polls, not to mention my neighbors, I am stymied and stunned. What a difference a few generations can have.
When I was growing up in the 70's, not that long ago, I was taught a great many things. Some things were taught by one's teachers, parents, peers, media, etc. Others were taught from experience and common sense reasoning. It appears it is the reasoning that is lacking the most. Here is some food for thought.
When I was a child, I always believed that the best home would be one with a mother and father. Not surprisingly, most unbiased studies prove that this is indeed the right way of thinking. Today, we are told that any mix of adults is okay, and even appropriate. It is no wonder our youth are so confused. With adults, it seems, the truth is always shifting. Relativism at its finest.
When I was a child, there was a distinction between right and wrong. Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying that this is no longer the case, but it has been effectively blurred through the media and an onslaught of liberal secular mind think, especially against our children in the classroom. Ask a child if there are any absolute wrongs and he will stand there dumbfounded thinking about it, whereas when I was a child, it would have been an immediate and fully correct 'yes'.
When I was a child, it was wrong to lie and this is exactly what was taught. Now, all brilliant persons know that you teach far more by the way you carry yourself in front of an impressionable bunch than by what you actually tell them. That is why criminals and corrupt politicians were tersely thrown out of office expeditiously. (That means quickly for those of you in college.) Today, we stand at the water cooler doing double-think and twisting and turning every detail to justify in some means the deed that was done. In the worst scenario, like present day politics in Canada, we just don't care. I have yet to figure out how we have been made so apathetic in such a short time.
When I was a child, I respected authority, but now I see that it is mostly a charade. The men and woman we send to Ottawa care not about each of us, but about how much they can attain or obtain. They are full of themselves, and do not have the moral standing to demand or receive our respect, and thus our society starts to unravel. There may be a few who sincerely desire to make our lot in life and indeed our country better, but they are few and far between, and entirely drowned out. If Canadians demanded a little better for themselves, perhaps this would not be.
When I was a child, people appeared to do what was right. They were polite, courteous (well, by todays standards, anyway), and far more intolerant of being taken for a ride, swindled, and lied to. They demanded a leader who was forthright, who had convictions, who could lead, who would take us where we ought to go. Today, we have only one party with a conscience, and people claim to be afraid to vote for it. They are afraid of some 'hidden' agenda. That is what we are told, but of course this is a lie. In reality, they think themselves unworthy of living up to a standard, so they continue to elect people without any. They have no moral fortitude, so they elect the same. They are corrupt, full of themselves, full of selfishness, so they are more comfortable with the Liberal party of Canada.
What a shame. What a shame. I guess the one thing that upsets, even angers me, is the apathy that surrounds me. I sometimes wonder if and why I am the only one seething with the incredulity of our elected officials. We have been taught for so long to let go of our anger, that we have forgotten that there is an appropriate time to be angry. Canadians, wake up! That time is now. Our parliament is full of pariahs, of men who defraud and steal our own hard earned money. It is full of men who are buying your soul with your own coins. It is full of men who are cheating and robbing us of democracy. Do you know why you can't see it? Neither do I, because it is right in front of you. Lying is still wrong, fraud is still wrong. Theft is still wrong. Extortion is still wrong. Corruption is still wrong.
And do you know what else is still wrong? The fact that YOU as a Canadian will NOT stand up and be counted, for even your own children to know that it is right to get angry at corruption. Teach them that it is wrong to be corrupt and evil, and that it must be held accountable.
Now our corrupt politicians are saying that you will be in big trouble if you vote for the 'other guy' and once again, you are falling for it. You are being scared and bullied into re-electing the same men who have stolen our national pride, and your children's faith in our leaders. Well you know what, you only get what you deserve.
Here's an old quote to ponder:
"What luck for rulers, that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler
Makes you wonder, huh?
When I was growing up in the 70's, not that long ago, I was taught a great many things. Some things were taught by one's teachers, parents, peers, media, etc. Others were taught from experience and common sense reasoning. It appears it is the reasoning that is lacking the most. Here is some food for thought.
When I was a child, I always believed that the best home would be one with a mother and father. Not surprisingly, most unbiased studies prove that this is indeed the right way of thinking. Today, we are told that any mix of adults is okay, and even appropriate. It is no wonder our youth are so confused. With adults, it seems, the truth is always shifting. Relativism at its finest.
When I was a child, there was a distinction between right and wrong. Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying that this is no longer the case, but it has been effectively blurred through the media and an onslaught of liberal secular mind think, especially against our children in the classroom. Ask a child if there are any absolute wrongs and he will stand there dumbfounded thinking about it, whereas when I was a child, it would have been an immediate and fully correct 'yes'.
When I was a child, it was wrong to lie and this is exactly what was taught. Now, all brilliant persons know that you teach far more by the way you carry yourself in front of an impressionable bunch than by what you actually tell them. That is why criminals and corrupt politicians were tersely thrown out of office expeditiously. (That means quickly for those of you in college.) Today, we stand at the water cooler doing double-think and twisting and turning every detail to justify in some means the deed that was done. In the worst scenario, like present day politics in Canada, we just don't care. I have yet to figure out how we have been made so apathetic in such a short time.
When I was a child, I respected authority, but now I see that it is mostly a charade. The men and woman we send to Ottawa care not about each of us, but about how much they can attain or obtain. They are full of themselves, and do not have the moral standing to demand or receive our respect, and thus our society starts to unravel. There may be a few who sincerely desire to make our lot in life and indeed our country better, but they are few and far between, and entirely drowned out. If Canadians demanded a little better for themselves, perhaps this would not be.
When I was a child, people appeared to do what was right. They were polite, courteous (well, by todays standards, anyway), and far more intolerant of being taken for a ride, swindled, and lied to. They demanded a leader who was forthright, who had convictions, who could lead, who would take us where we ought to go. Today, we have only one party with a conscience, and people claim to be afraid to vote for it. They are afraid of some 'hidden' agenda. That is what we are told, but of course this is a lie. In reality, they think themselves unworthy of living up to a standard, so they continue to elect people without any. They have no moral fortitude, so they elect the same. They are corrupt, full of themselves, full of selfishness, so they are more comfortable with the Liberal party of Canada.
What a shame. What a shame. I guess the one thing that upsets, even angers me, is the apathy that surrounds me. I sometimes wonder if and why I am the only one seething with the incredulity of our elected officials. We have been taught for so long to let go of our anger, that we have forgotten that there is an appropriate time to be angry. Canadians, wake up! That time is now. Our parliament is full of pariahs, of men who defraud and steal our own hard earned money. It is full of men who are buying your soul with your own coins. It is full of men who are cheating and robbing us of democracy. Do you know why you can't see it? Neither do I, because it is right in front of you. Lying is still wrong, fraud is still wrong. Theft is still wrong. Extortion is still wrong. Corruption is still wrong.
And do you know what else is still wrong? The fact that YOU as a Canadian will NOT stand up and be counted, for even your own children to know that it is right to get angry at corruption. Teach them that it is wrong to be corrupt and evil, and that it must be held accountable.
Now our corrupt politicians are saying that you will be in big trouble if you vote for the 'other guy' and once again, you are falling for it. You are being scared and bullied into re-electing the same men who have stolen our national pride, and your children's faith in our leaders. Well you know what, you only get what you deserve.
Here's an old quote to ponder:
"What luck for rulers, that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler
Makes you wonder, huh?
Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I am young, but I was raised by parents born in the 30s. I am American, not Canadian, but we are suffering the same ills here. It's as if people have lost all reason and common sense.
Let's take 911 for instance. I know it's cliche, but it works for my example. In the time of my parents, if something like 911 happened, say Pearl Harbor for instance, we would have sent a few nukes their way and told them not to mess with us again.
Coming back to present day, what did we do? We invaded a country for the express purpose of instituting a government and rebuilding the nation. How retarded is that?
People used to want to think for themselves, do for themselves, and not be babied all of the time. I'm sure there were a few that did, but they did not control the masses like they do today. These people are getting on my nerves like there's no tomorrow and there might not be a tomorrow if these people continue to have the majority say in how our nation is run.
Why have we become a nation of irresponsibility and complete idiocracy? Does nobody have a brain anymore?
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