Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Communisto NDP Party

Well, well, well. Here we go again. It has been quite the exciting week since I last ranted on. The Prime Minister came on t.v. to grovel, the Conservatives bashed him, the Bloc bashed him, and the NDP, well, the NDP headed by Jackass Layton went spewing on about how we are all melting, and our little dog, too.

So, Jack wants to buddy up with the Evil Empire headed by Paul Martin. What a fitting duo. The man who would rob us all to pay the lazy and the man who would let the Ayatollah's family move in. Awesome. What a country. Here is the deal in a nutshell:

Jackass says to Paul, "Hey, Paul! I here that Gilles and Stephen are gonna pull the carpet out from under you. Since I don't have a chance in hell of getting elected yet, maybe we could make a deal. All you need to do is tax Canadians more, not less, and let me use the cash to pay the lazy, the parents who don't want to raise their own kids, and then I'll send a bunch to other countries."
Well, Paul doesn't want to make it look like he is at the mercy of Jackass and his buddies down at the opseucawteamstersaclu dictator school, er um, union hall, so he says, "Uh-uh."
Now Paul knows that he doesn't have a choice, but he wants to look tough. Ya, that'll work, Paul. So all Paul has to do now is bend his principles and rewrite a couple of billion dollars in tax relief to the ones who employ those who are not lazy. What a conundrum!
I don't mean the bending principles part. That part is easy for a liberal. No, no, it's telling the people that support the liberal party that they are going to get screwed over so he can sleep with the socialists. I would love to be a fly on that wall. Oh well, the liberals are good at deferring things anyway. Let's see, they deferred Gomery until after the last election, they want to defer the next election until after Gomery this time, they have deferred our tax relief until the end of their budget. Nope, deferral is easy for a lib.

So, what does Jackass really want?

1) $5 Billion in corporate tax cuts axed : Is that all? Hmm, remember Bob Rae? Remember how fast industry left Ontario? We had to repave all of the lanes leading away from Queen's Park.

2) An increase in social daycare. We do NOT need this in our country Jackass. We have something here called a family unit. You know, remember your grandparents? Someone worked while someone raised the children. It is one strange concept, but it works! Honestly! Billions of people all over the world use it. Social daycare just makes us a little bit more dependant on government, who eventually wants to tell us when, how, and with what to wipe our ass, and for the most part, Canadians will probably like the reduction in personal responsibility.

3) Jackass wants to increase foreign aid. WHY? We are constantly told we need more money for health, education, military, etc. I tell you what Jackass, when Canadians as a whole conclude that no more money is needed anywhere, THEN we will help someone else. You can't be everything to everyone.

4) Education. Huh? Did I miss something? What the hell do we need more money for education for? Don't our 'professors' make enough money yet? IS there no end to the greed in this country? Has post secondary education become a right? Another one? More dependancy on government. People, if you want to go to university, pay for it yourself.
There is nothing wrong with the way things are now, Jackass. When people no longer go to university in this country because of spiraling costs, then costs will have to receed. Is that not the basis of our free market economy? The more government intercedes and supports a system that can't be supported, such as education and our current health care system, the more it causes it damage. It also allows the prices to rise above what they are worth. Government should GET OUT of bailing out people who want to go to post secondary institutions. I never went, and still ended up smart enough to know that I am pissing a lot of people off right now. Where do I get the nerve to think?!!

You are in fine company Mr. Martin. You should merge with the NDP and become one party. You could call it the "Even More Liberal Party of Canada"


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