Monday, April 18, 2005

Liberalism is the way to ruin.

Time to rant again. It has been 6 days since I have blogged, so here goes.

When will the liberal establishment and media realize that their policies are ruining or have ruined the great country that Canada once was. Let's look at a few of them.

Universal Daycare: Our powerful unions and lobby groups are pulling out all the stops to ensure that our country adopts a universal daycare system. Study after study has been done, and for the most part the results aren't surprising. Children fare best of all in a home with a mother and father, not in a socialized setting. Sure, children have to socialize, but what is the rush people! Children also need to be nurtured, loved, and directed. They need to learn right from wrong, principals, honour, honesty, integrity, compassion, kindness. These qualities begin at home. Once upon a time, children spent most of the day with their families, mostly their parents or an older guardian. Now they are awoken at the crack of dawn or before, fed (sometimes), dressed, and then rushed to the sitter or daycare, then to school, then back to daycare. Finally, an exhausted mommy or daddy picks them up, takes them home for dinner, and finally bed. Nice life. Nice structure. No, we DO NOT need universal daycare, we need parents who care enough to find a way to raise the children that they are having. It is not MY job to raise YOUR children, so stop asking me to give you part of my paycheque to subsidize YOUR workday, the work day that YOU chose, so that YOU could have all of the toys, and let's not forget your 'independence'.

It is not so much your independence that upsets me, it is your unwillingness to sacrifice it for your children, like parents used to do.

Abortion: Ah yes, the liberal whammy. A woman's right to choose. Not to choose to keep her legs crossed, mind you, nope, the right to terminate the life of an unborn child, whom was conceived because of her lack of self control. Has anyone done a financial impact study as to the damage caused by this policy on our economy. I mean let's face it, we have aborted more than 1.7 million unborn children. Not to mention the moral bankruptcy of this act, I wonder how the Canada Pension Plan would be doing had we not aborted so many future contributors. I figure since no one gives a damn anymore about the children, I would put a financial spin on it, and maybe then it would be 'acceptable' to give a damn. No wonder the ratio of elder to young is widening so fast.

Immigration: This has been a huge success, has it not? Congratulations. You are probably now a minority citizen in your own country. Way to go, Canada. As our politicians keep opening the immigration flood gate, the country continues to spiral downward. We probably have the biggest collection of foreign criminals on the planet, and now they can all bring the rest of their families to join them. (Help them?) Hey, I hope they bring their grandparents, as we have free health care for them. The fact that these people have NEVER contributed to our social programs shouldn't matter. We just want to be nice. I wonder how this will help our overburdened health care system.

Welfare: Ah yes, the liberal crown jewel. No one should go hungry. In other parts of the world, this is known as socialism. Take from the wealthy, and distribute equally among all. It is so fair. It differs a little in Canada though. Here, we take from the working and give to the lazy. While I know that there are those in need, I don't think we are truly helping them. We should help the working families who contribute to this once great country of ours. Maybe with some tax relief, one parent could stay home. Instead, we drain the hard working individuals who keep our economy going, and call for bigger cuts on those who employ our people, and we hand out to those who are too lazy to help themselves. I think we should let them go hungry, as this is a great motivator. **When I was growing up, my father decided to leave, and my mother was a single parent on welfare. She never really looked for work, nor was she skilled to do much. As a result, I was poorly fed, troubled, and perhaps malnourished. This was NOT the government's shortcoming. The government is, after all, just another word for the people. And it is not their responsibility to feed and clothe me. If my parents don't motivate themselves to care for me, then why should you? The point is that we have, it is said, one million children in this country living in poverty. So what? What is your point? It will never change. Not as long as our government, the people, keep handing out things that are not earned. For as long as there are parents who don't want to get off their collective asses to work, or perhaps even stop procreating those who they cannot afford to support, then we will have child poverty, and poverty in general. For the most part in this country, poverty is a choice. I choose to let those who will not work to go hungry. They'll come around.

I also love the ones who tell me I am lucky to have a job. Luck had nothing to do with it. I went and found it.

My 10 bucks worth.


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