Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ship 'em out!

I have to make my first political blog about a very unsavoury chap who goes by the name of Ernst Zundel. Now, before I get started, please be assured that I am NOT a neo-nazi, nor am I anti-semitic. In fact, my saviour was Jewish. I find both of those qualities to be held by those who are repugnant and ill informed.

About a month ago, Ernst Zundel gave up his fight to not be extradited to his native Germany to face charges in regards to denying the holocaust. While that seems on the surface a good thing, I mean why should we pay for his upkeep, we must ask a more important question. Was Ernst Zundel breaking any Canadian laws for his beliefs. Ottawa stated that Ernst Zundel was a security risk, and was thus deported. Have Canadians become so stupid that someone spewing forth their intolerance becomes a security risk? What has become of us?

I do NOT condone the speech of Ernst Zundel, but as a Canadian, I wonder why he is not allowed to teach what he believes. True, it does go against the grain of obvious evidence, but then again, so does evolution. I don't believe it causes harm to Jewish groups either. There will always be anti-Semites as long as there are Jews. But should we outlaw thoughts that are contrary to standard decency? Is that not what happened in the Salem witch hunts with witchcraft? Our best defence against such ludicrous diatribes is to simply educate our children. We have enough government control, we do NOT need the thought police. Canadians must wake up and see the erosion of their fundamental freedoms.


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